Steroids Versus SARMS: What’s The Difference?

Performance-enhancing drugs are quite a rage amongst athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and bodybuilders these days. Two of the most popular categories of these are steroids and SARMS (selective androgen receptor modulator). Steroids have been around for a long timebutthe concerns surrounding their side-effects have sparked serious debate regarding their use. In the meantime, SARMs have also evolved as potential supplements to achievemuscle strength over the past few years.

But how exactly do SARMS differ from the controversial steroids?Steroids and SARMs both have almost the same functionality but the key difference in their performance lies in the manner they bind with the androgen receptors in the body. Let’s look at both of these in detail.

Increase Muscle Mass


Anabolic steroids tend to bind with any androgen receptor they are exposed to in the body, including those present inthe vital organs and glands such as the liver and prostate gland. This can disrupt their functionality and lead to abnormal production of hormones in the body. Consequently, the use of steroids over a long time is associated with severe side effects which include osteoporosis, liver damage, and prostate cancer, etc. Moreover, they also boost estrogen levels in the body which result in acne, hair fall and high blood pressure issues.


SARMs like ligandrol highly selective compounds that bind only to particular androgen receptors on a cellular level. So unlike steroids, they don’t interfere with the cells of other organs. Consequently, we can take advantages of their benefits without having to worry about any sort of side effects unless, of course, they’re used too frequently or in high doses.


The major difference between steroids and SARMs is related to their reactional mechanism with cells in the body. However, SARMs are a better alternative to steroids as they offer the same results without any harmful aftermath.