Expelling and replacing kitchen wall tiles

Expelling wall tile is a tedious procedure that can be streamlined with the correct instruments. Your initial step is to expel the grout from between the majority of the wall tiles. You could utilize a firm putty blade to squash and scratch the grout, yet in the event that you have a Dremel or other electric device with a little crushing wheel, the activity will be simpler and quicker. Your wall tile might be appended to a concrete sponsor board which will make expelling the tile a lot simpler. Start by expelling the grout along the edge of the tile that meets a wall with no tile.

Kitchen Tiles

Wear defensive apparatus to keep away from the residue. To expel individual tiles, point the edge of a putty blade between the tile and the wall and tap with a mallet until the tile falls off. It will probably break into pieces, so wear security glass during this procedure. On the off chance that you see a sheet of bond supporter board, start evacuating the tile enough with the goal that you can make an opening around 8 crawls in breadth, huge enough to point a pry bar between the concrete board and the wall. Draw the spade and expel the benefactor board and the tile. Proceed until your wall is clear. On the off chance that there is no bond board, you should expel the tiles separately, utilizing your putty blade and a sledge.


Tidy up the majority of the flotsam and jetsam from the tile expulsion. Join new solid board to the wall studs with material nails. Solid board is reasonable and gives you a smooth surface to introduce your substitution wall tiles. Solid board is certainly not a basic component – it goes about as a dampness safe back for your Lian Seng Hin. Apply the fiberglass tape to the creases to complete the establishment. Discover the midpoint of your wall utilizing crossing chalk lines. Spot a line of tiles over the base, starting at the focal point of the wall and working your way to the closures. Change your tiles with the goal that they are equally dispersed.


After dry fitting the main column of wall tile, apply tile cement to the wall behind the middle tile. Make edges in the glue with the edge of your trowel. Supplant the tile by squeezing it immovably into the cement, turning it a tad to get it safely situated. Work your way to each edge, including spacers every one of the four sides of the tile for a uniform grout line. Wrap one line and afterward develop until your wall is tiled. Include grout when the glue is dry. Completion your tile wall with the suitable sealer.